Chemical Synthesis of Graphene Nanoribbons

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Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) have been the reason of studies since they were discovered in 1991 and now the new innovator material is Graphene. Geim and Novoselov achieved a single sheet of Graphene. The importance of this material is because of its electrical and mechanical properties, with good conductivity, excellent heat dissipation, flexibility, and transparency. Therefore it offers a good suitable material to the actual demands on new technologies. It has been discussed, there is another alternative to achieve a suitable material for fabrication and development of new devices, the Graphene Nanoribbons. Graphene Nanoribbons (GNRs) properties were studied theoretically, due to itsresemblance with Graphene. Kosynkin et al. have reported an oxidative method for the synthesis of graphene nanoribbons with potassium permanganate using sulfuric acid. Here we describe a method without using sulfuric acid, due to the use of functionalized Multi Wall Carbon Nanotubes (f-MWCNTs), which has been synthesized by Emmanuel Segura et al. 2Using our method is avoided the need of an acid medium due tothat the f-MWCNTs present functional groups, then potassium permanganate makes the longitudinal opening of them to form GNRs. Resulting in a better surface and a more uniformly unzipping

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: 1, Nanotechnology 2013: Advanced Materials, CNTs, Particles, Films and Composites (Volume 1)
Published: May 12, 2013
Pages: 292 - 295
Industry sector: Advanced Materials & Manufacturing
Topic: Carbon Nano Structures & Devices
ISBN: 978-1-4822-0581-7