Thermomechanical Properties of Epoxy Resin MWCNts Nanocomposites

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The main aim of the present work is to study the mechanical and thermal properties of nanocomposite materials based on epoxy resin (ER) matrix reinforced with multi-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs). The filler content was systematically varied from 0.1 to 1 % w/w. Thermogravimetric/Differential Thermal Analysis (TGA/DTA) and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) measurements were carried out. Relative TGA and derivative (DTGA) curves for neat epoxy and the prepared ER/CNTs nanocomposites are presented. The results revealed that the samples show good thermal stability for temperatures up to 350 oC with a maximum decomposition temperature higher than 370 oC. The decomposition (thermal degradation) temperature corresponds to the temperature of the peak of the derivative mass loss (DTGA) curve, i.e. the temperature of the maximum weight loss rate. Pure epoxy matrix shows, generally, better thermal stability (i.e. the degradation starts at higher temperatures), compared to the ER/CNTs nanocomposites. The char formation mechanism is, generally, enhanced when adding filler particles, however the values of the residual mass for the ER/CNTs nanocomposites decrease with increasing filler content. For the samples with lower filler content, the glass transition temperature decreases.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: 1, Nanotechnology 2010: Advanced Materials, CNTs, Particles, Films and Composites
Published: June 21, 2010
Pages: 818 - 821
Industry sector: Advanced Materials & Manufacturing
Topics: Advanced Materials for Engineering Applications, Composite Materials
ISBN: 978-1-4398-3401-5