A Microfluidic Device for Opto-Electrochemical Sensing

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To integrate functionality of transmembrane proteins to devices, a platform compatible with proteins and phospholipids membrane is required. In our effort to address the needs for current and future research, we report a microfluidic device that is integrated with an opto-electrochemical cell. This device is based on a zero alignment broadband sol-gel light guide.2 It consists of microfluidic channel, optical transducer, and three electrochemical electrodes. This rapid prototyped device is easily constructed and compatible with most of commercial spectrometers and potentiostat. A organically modified silicate (ORMOSIL) film is fabricated on an fluorine doped tin oxide glass (FTO) glass to interact with liquid (Figure 1). The advantages of such configuration is enhanced optical sensitivity and rapid fluidic diffusion for electrochemical sensing. Initial measurement was performed with a ferricyanide solution using cyclic voltammetry together with optical absorption measurement. The results are comparable to a regular electrochemical cell and show rapid and sensitive response on absorption spectra.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: 3, Technical Proceedings of the 2007 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Volume 3
Published: May 20, 2007
Pages: 363 - 366
Industry sector: Sensors, MEMS, Electronics
Topic: Micro & Bio Fluidics, Lab-on-Chip
ISBN: 1-4200-6184-4