Directing cell migration by electrospun fibers


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We would like to submit the abstract “directing cell migration by electrospun fiber” for the presentation in Nanotech conference 2010. We investigate the influence of substrate on cell migration. We show that it is possible to “track” cells rather than permit free migration, if the cells are placed on scaffolds composed of oriented fibers. We first demonstrate that cells greatly prefer the fibrous scaffold to flat surfaces of identical chemical nature. The cells then migrate by following the fibers. In his case the cell density is regulated by the fiber positions and we can clearly demonstrate that the migration velocity tracks with the cells density. We also show how multiple layer scaffolds can also be produced with different fiber orientations. Three dimensional motions of the cells can then be controlled by changing the dimension of the “holes” in the fiber mesh. We show the migration velocity is independent of the pore diameter since the cells migrate strictly along the fiber surfaces. These results indicate that electropsun fibers can be used to regulate cell migration and therefore provide controlled cell delivery systems.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: 1, Nanotechnology 2010: Advanced Materials, CNTs, Particles, Films and Composites
Published: June 21, 2010
Pages: 881 - 884
Industry sectors: Advanced Materials & Manufacturing | Personal & Home Care, Food & Agriculture
Topics: Advanced Materials for Engineering Applications, Personal & Home Care, Food & Agriculture
ISBN: 978-1-4398-3401-5