Photochemical Alteration of the Stability of Polymer Nano-Agglomerates

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Interparticle adhesion in the nano-regime leads to undesired stable agglomerates in particulate products. On one hand, the high surface energies of nanoparticles favor the reduction of overall surface area by maximization of the number of contacts as well as chemical bond formation and sintering. On the other hand, the small dimensions of the particles make deagglomeration using shear fields or inertia-based methods like sonication inefficient. In other cases of application however, strong interparticle contacts are desired. The aim of this work was thus to gain control over the strength of interparticle bonds in polymer nanoagglomerates as a decisive product parameter. As a model system, polystyrene (PS) particles were chosen. The alteration of the interparticle bond strength was achieved by photochemically induced reactions, changing the chemistry of the particle surface.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: 4, Technical Proceedings of the 2007 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Volume 4
Published: May 20, 2007
Pages: 177 - 178
Industry sector: Advanced Materials & Manufacturing
Topic: Nanoparticle Synthesis & Applications
ISBN: 1-4200-6376-6