IP Profile: Outstanding interpolation algorithm for image and video processing

The technology is an image processing algorithm enhancing the quality of image and videos.

Inventors: Jiri Patera and Armen Atoyan, University of Montréal, Canada
Industry Markets: Medical imaging, homeland security, aerospace, telecommunications
Technology Contact: Didier Leconte, Univalor, Canada

image processing results
The image illustrates how the algorithm’s capabilities: top left is the image in the high frequency domain to interpolate. Top right image is the result of 4x4 interpolation with bilinear with processing time. Bottom left is the result of 4x4 interpolation with bicubic, better quality but higher processing time. Bottom right is the result of the algorithm.

The technology is an image processing algorithm enhancing the quality of image and videos. The algorithm has a wide range of applications in post processing or real-time data treatment, ranging from homeland security to healthcare and digital still cameras. The inventors propose a solution that overpasses usual known methods (bilineair, bicubic) in time processing while providing also better resolutions.

Mr. Didier Leconte of Univalor recently provided TechConnect with several updates. “The algorithm has been tested with various types of images and videos. Considering the various applications, our next steps involve embedding the algorithm within a software for post-treatment applications and within an IP-core for real time processing.” Patents are pending in the U.S., Canada, and Japan, and “we engage discussions with various industry, and the technology is still available for licensing in different fields of use.”

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